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New Ways for Mediation with Bill Eddy and Shiv Martin

Join myself and Bill Eddy in Sydney for a full day of training exploring New Ways for Mediation - A Breakthrough Approach for Managing High Conflict Disputes  skills.  

To register head to the Resolution Institue website and follow the prompts. 

The training will be based on Bill’s book Mediating High Conflict Disputes and will include PowerPoint presentation, video clips, practice exercises, and opportunities for questions and discussion throughout. The methods taught in this training can be helpful in any conflict resolution setting.

Morning Managing High Conflict Personalities in Mediation

  • Five common personality patterns of high conflict behavior
  • Right-brain and Left-brain conflict styles
  • Reducing client resistance to problem-solving
  • Skills for Mediators: Connect, Structure, Educate
  • Skills for Clients

Afternoon: Skills for Connecting and Structuring the Process

  • EXERCISE on Connecting with high conflict clients–E.A.R. Statements
  • STRUCTURING a simple mediation process with high-conflict clients
  • Practice Exercise
  • Closing Q & A
New Ways for Mediation with Bill Eddy and Shiv Martin

Join us for this full-day training to gain valuable skills in conflict resolution where we will provide a basic background in managing high conflict situations in any setting & present this new approach to mediating their disputes, called New Ways for Mediation®

Our Location

  • What factors determine the booking of mediation services and how do you ensure the best chance of resolution in diverse dispute contexts?
    My mediation services can be booked according to the size of the dispute at hand. I have successfully managed complex multi-party disputes spanning a number of days, and short mediations of 90 minutes. Each dispute and each party has unique needs and I will work independently with all parties and legal representatives to design the most appropriate process to ensure the best chance of resolution. I am experienced at mediating across cultures, generations and dispute contexts.
  • What is your background and experience in mediation and conciliation services?
    After over a decade as a full-time panel mediator, conciliator, decision maker and team manager for various government agencies, Commissions and Tribunals, I am now offering my mediation and conciliation services privately. I am highly experienced in managing a diverse range of disputes and adapt a flexible mediation approach following considered pre-mediation discussions with parties and their legal representatives.
  • What qualifications and experience do you bring to the table as a mediator and mediation accreditation training assessor?
    As an experienced Mediator and Recognized Mediation Accreditation training and assessor I bring to the table a high level of emotional intelligence, the technical skills of a lawyer (Over 10 years PAE) and a depth of cross-cultural and intergenerational conflict experience. I am also skilled in Mental Health First Aid and understand the importance of managing emotions and relationships in effectively managing disputes.
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